
Lost in Eden

Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens: 2019-2021

Hidden Narratives

(Hong Kong, 2008-ongoing)

Defying Covid

(Hong Kong, 2019-ongoing)

Night Life

Hong Kong (2016 - ongoing)

Nights In Suspense

Hong Kong (2016 - ongoing)

Hong Kong Rediscovered

A Decade After the Handover (2007 - 2017)

Evolving Territories

天水圍屏山上璋圍 Sheung Cheung Wai, Ping Shan, 2000 (Ref: 200001010)
Hong Kong (1994 - 2000)

NY 10048

New York's World Trade Center in 1990s
New York's World Trade Center in 1990s


American Homes (1993 - 1995)

Ten Thousand Messages

Photographic Installation at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum

“Stereoviews”: A conversation between Gretchen So & Stanley Wong

Photographic Installation at Lumenvisum